
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Modernos aparadores de Jesse

Dentro de su catálogo de novedades para este año, la empresa italiana Jesse propone dos modernos aparadores de líneas rectas y con posibilidad de diferentes acabados: Frame y Eleven, diseñados por Sergio Brioschi y Maximiliano Mornatti, respectivamente.
Eleven, by Massimiliano Mornati

Sergio Brioschi ha diseñado este aparador de cuatro puertas batientes que deja entrever lo que en él se guarda gracias a la combinación de MDF y cristal transparente. Para hacer resaltar esta transparencia, lleva iluminación integrada. El acabado exterior puede ser lacado brillante o mate y el interior, en madera de roble oscuro y nogal.
Medidas: 200 x 50 x 77 cm (largo x profundidad x altura).

Frame, by Sergio Brioschi
Colección de aparadores de madera con cuatro puertas batientes y dos cajones centrales. Puede elegirse entre dos versiones de suelo –alta y baja-, y dos versiones de pared, con o sin patas. Las bases y las patas pueden ser de aluminio o con el mismo acabado que el mueble (roble oscuro, nogal, lacado mate y brillante).

Aparador bajo: 213 x 50 x 58 cm (largo x profundidad x altura).
Aparador alto: 143 x 50 x 121 cm (largo x profundidad x altura).


Jesse es una empresa familiar, dedicada a la fabricación de muebles de diseño contemporáneo, que se fundó en 1920. Desde sus inicios ha estado ubicada en Veneta, al norte de Venecia.

Información e imágenes facilitadas por Jesse

Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company

Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury bedroom set from Pop collection by Altamoda company, is well known among lovers of luxury and chic furniture, an excellent solution to create a bright interior design and glamorous. All furniture by surprise a little flashy colors and unique shapes. The main elements of this set is a round bed with the head of a beautiful bed that reminded crown. The bed completely covered by soft textiles, thus making it more luxurious. In addition, this room all fully equipped with the usual white was completely absorbed and a large bath. Such as bathroom sinks, which are both enriched with colorful flowers that glow with charm. Probably not many people could decide to make a room like that, but it could be interesting for fans to find such a glamorous style.
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company

Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and Innovation

Modern dining room tables, for example, will highlight mere lines These are the traditional ways that dining furniture may come but in the modern setting, things could be quite different. For example, you can find furniture with unusually shaped legs, bases or tabletops with artistic etched designs. Some dining furniture come with elaborate engravings or etchings in them. Typically, a dining table would usually be weighty especially in the base or leg part, thus, making the whole dining set quite bulky.

Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and InnovationWhile this is not absolute, this is how things go for the most part in the modern furniture industry. These days, dining furniture can go to extremes of either plain black or plain white. Classic furniture would usually emphasize the grain of the wood which is finished with medium to dark shades. There have been some major changes even in the treatment of wood, along with the finishing and the resulting textures. Comparing traditional and modern dining sets will lead one to discover that the differences don’t only lie in design.

Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and InnovationThis is where great home memories are built and when it comes to making these memories more special, you can count on fine dining furniture. There’s probably no other place in the home where you could get everyone to share the day’s events, crack jokes and make life just sweeter for having all these special people around. The traditions and values we’ve held on through the years couldn’t come move alive than in the dining room where the whole family gathers for some nice food and great conversations.

Luxury Harmful Living Room Design

Luxury Harmful Living Room DesignNo one can be proud of in a house unless you can load the living room in the house to be comfortable. Appropriate placement Sofa and color to suit the color of the walls will add comfort to anyone who comes into your home.

Luxury Harmful Living Room Design

Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu

Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Modern Home Architecture main entrance
Famous for its amazing warm, sandy beaches, the mighty Pacific and the spectacular residences of countless movie and entertainment stars, Malibu is the place to be if you want to check out the vacation homes of the celebrities for some inspiration.
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Living room interior design with view to the garden and the pool
Designed by
Griffin Enright Architects and known as Point Dume Residence, this 6,000-sq.-ft. house uses concrete at its best to bring undulating flows to a contemporary interior that promotes large open spaces, expansive windows and floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors.
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Living room interior design wooden wrown colors with white noteWith terraces offering spectacular views of the ocean, with perfect furniture for every room and an exquisite lap pool to dip in whenever you need to cool off, the Point Dume Residence charms with its minimalist simplicity.
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Modern bathroom itnerior design
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Modern architecture house garden and pool
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Modern exterior design
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Guest bedroom decoration and design
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
Guest bedroom interior design
Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
modern design living room

Tacchini recupera el sillón Sancarlo y la silla Babela, dos clásicos de Achille Castiglioni

La firma italiana Tacchini ha reeditado dos de los clásicos del arquitecto y diseñador Achille Castiglioni: el sillón y sofá Sancarlo, producidos originalmente por Driade (1970), y la silla Babela, de Gavina (1958). Babela fue creada junto a su hermano Pier Giacomo para la Cámara de Comercio de Milán.

Sancarlo, síntesis entre la ergonomía y el diseño, nació de una petición de la empresa Driade al prestigioso diseñador que hacía 20 años que no diseñaba un sillón. El último había sido el Sanluca, junto a su hermano Pier Giacomo, una pieza muy aclamada por la crítica de su tiempo pero que no tuvo éxito.

Para el nuevo proyecto, se pensaron elementos independientes de apoyo para la cabeza, la zona lumbar y las extremidades. Cojines que, gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, se fabrican hoy con espuma de diferentes densidades.

La estructura se lleva a cabo con tubo acodado, evocando a la Bauhaus, y lo único que ha cambiado es el acabado. El tradicional cromado se ha sustituido por pintura, con la posibilidad de elegir el color. Sancarlo también está disponible en versión sofá.

La silla Babela (en referencia a la torre de Babel) fue proyectada por los dos hermanos Castiglioni para la Cámara de Comercio de Milán, en 1958.
La silla se diseñó para que fuera cómoda y, al mismo tiempo, ayudara a mantener la posición vertical. Además, tenía estructura de metal y podía apilarse para optimizar al máximo el espacio disponible cuando no se usara.

Más tarde, la estructura metálica original se sustituyó por una de madera, aunque tanto la forma como el tapizado se mantuvieron iguales. Ahora se ha vuelto a recuperar la estructura metálica y, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades actuales y los orígenes de Babela, se ha diseñado para salas de reuniones, hoteles y restaurantes.
El estudio Castiglioni fue establecido por Achille (1918-2020) y su hermano Pier Giacomo (1913-1968) en 1938, cosechando un gran éxito internacional hasta la muerte del segundo, a finales de los '70.

Información e imágenes facilitadas por Tacchini

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Gautier is a design company founded in 1958. We found some really nice bedroom arrangements on their site which we hope will give you fresh decorating ideas. Most of them are simple, sober and elegant, with wooden furniture and stylish carpets to go with it. The color mix goes from mild to fresh, but the overall effect is always pleasing. You will rarely see strong colors – the green and red pillows are an exception, but with a lovely effect. Flowers and paintings make the interiors lively and also help personalizing every room. Small details and decorative items such as bottles and tea cups really manage to make a difference. We also like the floor lamps and the night stands. Enjoy!

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

modern sofa
modern sofa
The Cut Sofa and Chair by Domenico de Palo
Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room
Modern Sofa Design
.We all know how difficult choosing and finding a modern sofa might be.., So Here I show you a collection of modern seating furniture from Momentoitalia which may be suitable for your sleeping and entertaining areas. Their modern sofa beds are made in Italy and imported from Italy.Their sofas have a modern design yet are strong and durable,the bed system is easy to use and very comfortable. The selection of sofa beds is unique; their sofa beds combine comfort,design and functionality. Their modern sofa beds open with easy movement, can come also in sectional versions and feature a completely removable cover
Modern Sofa Design
modern furniture
modern furniture
Modern Living room Interior Design
Luxury Design Sofas
Luxury Classic Sofa and Armchairs
Have you ever found sofa beds who combine a sectional sofa,a reclining chair, a single bed and a double bed all in one? Now you found it. This modern sofa bed is all you need for your room. Starting as a regular sectional sofa with two seater element and a chaise lounge, the two seats slides forward into chaise positions. You can slide one seat more and unfold the seat cushion to reveal a single bed, or you can slide both seats to have a double bed. Modern design and plenty of creativity, this modern sofa bed is very innovative in its field.Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

contemporary sofa
contemporary sofa
Home Interior Design
Contemporary Sofas Design
designer sofa
designer sofa
Modern Furniture Design
Interior Design
living room sofa
living room sofa
Living Room
Furniture Designs

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Apartamento minimalista en Amsterdam, por i29 l interior architects

Una estructura original excesivamente compartimentada y funcionalmente complicada se convirtió, tras la intervención del estudio holandés i29 l interior architects, en un cálido apartamento lleno de luz y amplios espacios. La vivienda, un dúplex de 150 m2 en el que vive una familia de cuatro miembros, está situada en un edificio señorial en el sur de Amsterdam.

Sin duda, la pieza más espectacular de la casa es el volumen lacado en blanco que separa / comunica la cocina y la zona de comedor. Lo componen una serie de armarios en cuyas puertas se han prácticado aberturas irregulares y de diferentes tamaños cortadas a láser, que producen un dinámico efecto de vacíos y llenos. Además, estos orificios también funcionan como asas integradas.

La semitransparencia de esta piel, que deja ver o entrever lo que se guarda en su interior, confiere profundidad a esta estructura, que se complementa con mobiliario como la silla One de Konstantin Gcric para Magis, la mesa Loop Stand de Leif Jørgensen para Hay y la lámpara GloBall de Jasper Morrison para Flos.

A la hora de redistribuir las dos plantas, se establecieron tres zonas bien diferenciadas (ver planos al final). Mientras en la primera planta conviven en dos franjas paralelas una zona más privada -habitaciones y baños- y otra más pública -el salón comedor y la cocina-, en el nivel superior se ubican el dormitorio principal junto a un amplio baño y otra habitación.

Todo el apartamento se ha concebido bajo la misma línea minimalista con detalles como puertas totalmente integradas que carecen de marcos y una paleta muy concreta de material de acabado y colores: madera de pino, resina epoxi blanca en el suelo, puertas lacadas en blanco y la piedra acrílica Hi-Macs.

La escalera que comunica las dos plantas se ha realizado en madera de pino sin contrahuella, lo que la hace visualmente mucho más ligera y, al mismo tiempo, facilita el paso de la luz que llega desde un amplio tragaluz en la parte superior.

Fotografías: i29 l interior architects


Información e imágenes facilitadas por i29 l interior architects

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