As a bibliophile and a dachshund owner (and lover), I am naturally drawn to just about any pair of dachshund bookends. But even if a wiener dog hasn't stolen your heart and/or taken over your home, these bookends bring a nice dose of levity to your decor: As your book collection grows, so too does Fido. Above is a shot of my own pair of dachshund bookends (a Christmas present from my sister-in-law) framing my small collection of Penguin Classics in my office. [By the way, I'm trying to decide what color to paint out the back of the bookshelf -- any suggestions.
If you're in the market for your own set of playful bookends, there are dachshund bookends at just about every price point:

Source list: 1. Platinum: Dachshund bookends - brown (acrylic, $265) available at Barney's. 2. Gold: Dachshund bookends (stonewear and wood, $150) available at Jonathan Adler. 3. ATM: Jonathan Adler Dachshund bookends (white resin, $39.95) available at Barnes & Noble.
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