
Friday, April 30, 2010

Design tips for smaller bathrooms

If you have a smaller area designated for bathroom use, you will have to make some adjustments in order to make proper use of this space.Start by figuring out what things you need to have in your bathroom. For instance, if you aren’t planning to spend a lot of time in your bathroom, you can install just the main necessary equipments and items in order to feel comfortable. Another important factor is the wise choice of color because a pastel and light color is likely to make your bathroom look larger. The lighter shades are also more welcoming.

Even if your bathroom is small, you can still make it look quite elegant by using the right visual accents. You should use subtle wallpapers that can make your bathroom look larger. Floor coloring is another important issue and you should go for neutral or light colors in order to make the space look roomier. Light shades of blues, tans or grays are the best choices for a small bathroom because they can make it look more airy and sophisticated.
A small bathroom space should be lighted up with additional lights. If you notice that there is no space for such additional lights in your bathroom, you should go for the bulbs that provide a high wattage. These bulbs will make your bathroom very inviting and brighter. Don’t worry about decorating your bathroom either because even a smaller place is likely to be well decorated once you follow the right steps. 
Start by using only a few mirrors because overdoing with mirrors is likely to provide your bathroom with unwanted effects. Keep in mind that using too many mirrors in a small bathroom will emphasize only the corners of its space. So, you should be careful when it comes to selecting the places where you want to have mirrors installed. For instance, installing the mirrors opposite to each other is not a wise idea. Limit the mirrors in order not to show the real size of your bathroom.
You should cleat out the bathroom walls in order to create the illusion of a larger space. You should also keep your things floating. For instance, you might install floating cupboards and a wall mounted sink in order to prevent these items from taking too much from the floor space. You can utilize the bathroom floor for other useful things such as putting a plant or a trash can. Using the bathroom door is another useful tip that will help you save some space. The door is more useful and helpful than acting as a simple exit and entrance.  For instance, you can use it in order to install some clothes or towel hangers because this will conserve extra precious space. You will also be left with more space to use for the bathroom design you plan to have.
You might consider using the collapsible shower screens. Such shower screens come in various types such as sliding or foldable ones. You can also use curtains in order to get the division you want. Allowing natural light inside your bathroom is another wise thing for you to do because having a window installed in this space will make it look more spacious. However, you must make sure that the window is not too big because, if this is the case, you will defeat the initial purpose of trying to conserve wall space. Now that you know all these tips, you are truly ready to start designing your small bathroom .   

Los paneles decorativos 3D de DuPont Corian expuestos en el FAD de Barcelona

Los nuevos paneles decorativos 3D serie Math de DuPont Corian se exponen hasta el próximo 20 de mayo en el Foment de les Arts i del Disseny (FAD), de Barcelona. Las teorías de matemáticos famosos son la base estética de esta colección de revestimientos tridimensionales para interiores, que se exhiben en el espacio denominado "Cub de vidre" (cubo de cristal), lo que permitirá que se vean en todo momento desde el exterior. Por la noche, la exposición ofrece una cuidada iluminación proyectada por la empresa italiana iGuzzini, que también colabora en el proyecto.

El Corian es un avanzado material para superficies utilizado en una amplia gama de segmentos (hogar, contract, sanidad, hostelería, iluminación, objetos decorativos,...) Entre sus características figuran la ausencia de poros, su resistencia a las manchas, su fácil limpieza y el poder repararse. A nivel estético, está disponible en 100 colores estandard y puede adoptar infinidad de formas.

FIBONACCI: la forma del panel está estrechamente vinculada a la espiral de Fibonacci, los cuadrados construidos sobre ella y el rectángulo medio resultante. Cada cuadro se transforma en una celda del parámetro con una altura máxima variable, ángulo en disminución y tamaño de apertura. Como resultado, los cuadrados materializan la secuencia proporcional de Fibonacci en la forma fina del panel. Medidas: 2400 mm (L) x 700 mm (h).

GAUSS: la forma del panel es el resultado de la subdivisión del mismo en un número variable de celdas. Cada una de ellas está pensada como un diagrama compuesto por dos formas modulares. La apertura originada por estas formas se rige por los valores de una curva de Gauss totalmente controlada. Una de estas formas sirve para crear una especie de bolsillo. Medidas: 2400 mm (L) x 700 mm (h).

MOIRÉ: la forma del panel es el resultado de un proceso de subdivisión del mismo en un número variable de franjas. La distancia del centro de cada franja desde un hipotético punto de atracción gobierna la altura y la desviación de la curva sinusoidal generada. El resultado de los efectos ópticos de la onda determina una especie de efecto Moiré en la superficie del panel. Medidas: 2400 mm (L) x 700 mm (h).

PHYLLOTAXIS: la forma del panel se inspira en la famosa Espiral de Fibonacci. El diseño de Phyllotaxis se basa en dos series de espirales girando en sentidos opuestos. Las formas emergentes desde la intersección son el inicio para una serie de escaladas curvas interiores y trasladadas proporcionalmente a la inversa de su distancia del centro de la espiral. El resultado se asemeja al bajorrelieve de una flor. Medidas: 700 mm (L) x 700 mm (h).

VORONOI: la forma del panel es el resultado de un diagrama de Voronoi, basado en una matriz de puntos subdivisión de una espiral. Cada límite Voronoi de una celda genera otra placa y una curva interpolada desplazada a una curva paramétrica. De modo que el contorno de Voronoi original de la celda y las curvas son la base de un operacional parcheado que proporciona un mosaico de celdas característico. Medidas: 2400 (L) x 700 mm (h).

FOURIER: la forma del panel es el resultado de un proceso de subdivisión de la superficie en bandas o cintas de altura variable y aleatoria. Cada cinta se caracteriza por una trayectoria sinusoidal específica, basada en una distancia de longitud y altura aleatoria. El panel parece finalmente el resultado de la aplicación de fuertes vibraciones que sacuden la superficie. Medidas: 2400 mm (L) x 700 mm (h).

Información e imágenes facilitadas por DuPont Corian


Minimalist garden design

How minimalist design for the home garden?
Park home owners increasingly become the status symbol. Mix & match style house with a garden can produce a unique look and increasingly reflects the owner.

At present, the park houses not only as a mere supplement, but it's getting just as important as architecture and interiors. Even for some people has become a symbol of prestige. The better someone's home garden arrangement, reflecting the social class of owners.

Park in your house. Same personal with home design. It is expected that the design reflects not only personal but also supports the home owner activity and the needs of residents of the space. From the head of the family, wife to the kids.

For example, one of the lifestyle trend now is to hold a garden party with a barbeque in the evening or late afternoon. Of course, we will gladly run this program when we garden with good design, especially at night.

If we have children who are active. Obviously need a roomy place to play. Garden elements such as swings and play ground equipment that other children can we match the garden design.

Certainly many aspects that must be taken into account in designing the park. Although we do get help from the landscaper, still we must pay attention to the important aspects in the design of the park, namely: expansion of existing parks, activities shall be accommodated in the park, the harmony of gardens with buildings.

Like architecture, garden design known in a variety of gardens. What is the type of garden? There are various types of parks are generally known. Distinguished by the cultural background and geographical origin of the development of the park. Differences in composition and animating characters that used the park.

There are so many types of garden that a traditional cultural background and geographical. There's Japanese garden, china garden, garden french, American, English, tropical Bali, a tropical Thailand and Japan, there is a growing garden suitable times, such as garden modern, minimalist and dry garden. Each type reflects a strong character and have different effects lover.

That one architectural style developed today are minimalist. This style emerged after World War II. Nowhere on Those days lots of people's houses destroyed by the war so That the government make a home in modular form (Standard and Poor 'in Aceh now), WHO is easy and cheap workmanship but still with the design well. Key features of this building is a simple form, without ornament and emphasis on function space.

Simple and without ornament is suitable to the spirit and lifestyle during this period. Simple and emphasis on function. Unfortunately in Indonesia, this minimalist style so expensive because it is not made of modules that are available and must be custom made.

Distinctive minimalist building is at least ornament and color who tend to be styled 'industry' is a white, gray and black.

Houses do not have minimalism minimalist garden as well. Mix & match (solid-match) of the various garden-style residential homes can make you look more stylish.


Minimalist garden design

How minimalist design for the home garden?
Park home owners increasingly become the status symbol. Mix & match style house with a garden can produce a unique look and increasingly reflects the owner.

At present, the park houses not only as a mere supplement, but it's getting just as important as architecture and interiors. Even for some people has become a symbol of prestige. The better someone's home garden arrangement, reflecting the social class of owners.

Park in your house. Same personal with home design. It is expected that the design reflects not only personal but also supports the home owner activity and the needs of residents of the space. From the head of the family, wife to the kids.

For example, one of the lifestyle trend now is to hold a garden party with a barbeque in the evening or late afternoon. Of course, we will gladly run this program when we garden with good design, especially at night.

If we have children who are active. Obviously need a roomy place to play. Garden elements such as swings and play ground equipment that other children can we match the garden design.

Certainly many aspects that must be taken into account in designing the park. Although we do get help from the landscaper, still we must pay attention to the important aspects in the design of the park, namely: expansion of existing parks, activities shall be accommodated in the park, the harmony of gardens with buildings.

Like architecture, garden design known in a variety of gardens. What is the type of garden? There are various types of parks are generally known. Distinguished by the cultural background and geographical origin of the development of the park. Differences in composition and animating characters that used the park.

There are so many types of garden that a traditional cultural background and geographical. There's Japanese garden, china garden, garden french, American, English, tropical Bali, a tropical Thailand and Japan, there is a growing garden suitable times, such as garden modern, minimalist and dry garden. Each type reflects a strong character and have different effects lover.

That one architectural style developed today are minimalist. This style emerged after World War II. Nowhere on Those days lots of people's houses destroyed by the war so That the government make a home in modular form (Standard and Poor 'in Aceh now), WHO is easy and cheap workmanship but still with the design well. Key features of this building is a simple form, without ornament and emphasis on function space.

Simple and without ornament is suitable to the spirit and lifestyle during this period. Simple and emphasis on function. Unfortunately in Indonesia, this minimalist style so expensive because it is not made of modules that are available and must be custom made.

Distinctive minimalist building is at least ornament and color who tend to be styled 'industry' is a white, gray and black.

Houses do not have minimalism minimalist garden as well. Mix & match (solid-match) of the various garden-style residential homes can make you look more stylish.

Axor Urquiola, el diseño sensual llevado al baño

La arquitecta y diseñadora Patricia Urquiola ha creado para Axor, la marca de diseño de Hansgrohe, un sensual concepto de baño, cuidado hasta el mínimo detalle. Las piezas de la colección (lavabo, bañera, sanitarios, grifería, complementos y un sistema modular de radiadores) reflejan un mundo de transiciones fluidas, formas suaves y ligeras curvas, combinadas con funcionalidad, en la que es la gama más completa que la firma ha creado hasta el momento.

Si la grifería destaca por sus superficies relucientes, de esquinas redondeadas agradables al tacto, las formas de los lavabos y las bañeras recuerdan a las tinas de antaño. Una forma clásica que gracias al uso de un material muy innovador (resina mineral con una capa de gel coat de poliéster) ha sido posible crear en una sola pieza. Además, los dos laterales de los lavabos cuentan con unas ranuras que recuerdan las asas de las antiguas bañeras, pero que sirven de prácticos toalleros.

El radiador Axor Urquiola es un sistema modular de paneles independientes, que permite diseños totalmente individualizados en el espacio del baño y que sirven también como separadores de ambientes. Se puede instalar cualquier número de unidades en blanco con decoraciones de nubes o con espejos de cuerpo entero. También hay módulos de radiador de pared.

Los expertos han premiado la calidad de este trabajo con los premios Design Plus 2009 (radiador de pie y lavabo de pared) y el Premio Red Dot Design Award 2009 (conjunto formado por mezclador monomando de lavabos especiales y lavabo).

Las creaciones ya conocidas de Patricia Urquiola para las más reconocidas marcas internacionales de diseño para el hogar reflejan su enorme y versátil capacidad creativa. Desde hace cuatro años, la diseñadora trabaja con Axor, la marca de diseño de Hansgrohe. Aunque su primera colaboración se remonta al 2004, con su participación en el proyecto WaterDream, cuyos resultados se presentaron en el Salone del Mobile de Milán de 2005.

Información e imágenes facilitadas por Hansgrohe



Gentilissimo arch. Crivellaro, siamo una famiglia composta da 4 persone (2 bimbi piccoli ) ed attualmente viviamo sopra alla farmacia di mio marito, in provincia di Como, in quello che era nato come appartamento per i turni e ci si presenta quindi l'urgente necessità di un ampliamento tramite sopraelevazione al fine di ricavare almeno 2 camere da letto ed un bagno.
Documentandoci, anche tramite il Suo interessante blog, saremmo indirizzati verso una struttura prefabbricata
Quale può essere un percorso utile a chiarirci le idee e trovare la soluzione più adatta a noi?

Le case in legno presentano, a parità di volume, un carico permanente dovuto al peso dell’edificio estremamente basso rispetto a quelle tradizionali.
case in legno, case di legnoNel caso pratico di una sopraelevazione, va evidenziato che una struttura interamente in legno (tetto, pareti) andrà a gravare in misura assai inferiore rispetto ad una realizzata in muratura piena con tetto in laterocemento.

Lo spessore delle pareti richiesto dalla normativa per un muro tradizionale comporta un ulteriore aumento del carico permanente, non sempre compatibile con il dimensionamento originario dell’edificio sottostante.
Le case prefabbricate in legno possono essere montate a secco in pochi giorni, agevolando le operazioni in cantiere e minimizzando i disagi, qualora l’abitazione sottostante richiedesse uno sgombero temporaneo o fosse permanentemente abitata.
Le ditte di case prefabbricate pongono solitamente un limite dimensionale al cliente, imponendo un minimo di 50-60 mq. (esistono comunque aziende più flessibili, ben felici di realizzare fabbricati di dimensioni minime).
L’unico scrupolo sarà la preparazione del piano di posa della sopraelevazione in legno che andrà eseguito secondo le specifiche tecniche fornite dalla ditta, solitamente con la realizzazione di un cordolo perimetrale in cemento armato ed un bordo superiore del solaio perfettamente livellato. Tale piano andrà comunque verificato da un tecnico della ditta di case prefabbricate prima della messa in produzione dell’edificio.
Va comunque fatta a priori un’attenta verifica statica rispetto alla capacità di sopportazione del carico da parte della costruzione sottostante e delle strutture di fondazione esistenti.

Al carico permanente dovuto all’edificio in se andrà aggiunto il carico accidentale dovuto alla presenza di persone e mobilio, oltre al carico neve (tenendo conto dell’antisismica), che potrebbero richiedere costosi interventi di consolidamento e rafforzamento statico.
Riassumendo, le case prefabbricate in legno si prestano ottimamente agli interventi di sopraelevazione di edifici, grazie al peso leggero ed ai tempi di realizzazione ridotti, ma si dovrà preventivamente verificare le caratteristiche della struttura portante sottostante e i costi di costruzione complessivi derivanti dall’acquisto della casa in legno (che, se di piccole dimensioni, potrebbe risultare alto rispetto ai metri quadri coperti) e dagli eventuali interventi di rafforzamento strutturale sull’edificio esistente.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beautiful Baths, Creative Storage

Almost every one needs more storage in their bathroom. Perhaps we all need to get a bit more organized, but if you are clutter challenged like me, I wanted to show you some wonderful baths by designer, Molly Frey. You may remember a previous post on a fabulous coastal house by Molly here.
I love the bath above. Let's take a look at some of the elements that make this bath fantastic. First, the overall design with the sink sitting upon an open turquoise glass tiled cabinet - a perfect spot for storing extra towels. The wall mirror is framed out with sconces adding the perfect lighting.
A capiz shell chandelier adds a bit of whimsy to the space. I imagine the french doors lead you outdoors to a secluded hot tub - wishful thinking? I also love symmetry and this bath is a great example.

Of course Molly's marble baths are what generally catch my eye. Here is lovely example that was published in Traditional Home Magazine. The middle cabinet is open - again a nice spot for baskets or extra towel storage. Notice that the cabinets have "feet" to give the sink base the illusion of free standing furniture. I also love the sconce in this bath.

The tub is tucked under the eaves of the home in front of a gorgeous window and next to it we see another area for storage.
Here is a more streamlined, contemporary feeling bath. Two small boxes topped with limestone add the additional storage here. By not putting small doors on these, the look stays very open and contemporary - Interesting!
A more traditional design also shows you some ways to increase storage. Here the cabinets flanking the pedestal sinks sit directly on the counters. Unlike a kitchen, counter space in the bath can be more narrow to support your toiletries. The small ledge behind the sinks also add a space for lotions and creams.
Here we see a shallow medicine cabinet with mirrored doors built into the design. Not only is this cabinet functional, it becomes a wonderful focal point. This bath also has "feet" on the cabinet base.
The final bath has this cute little cabinet on the left side. A great spot for a razor and shaving cream - or perhaps it hides electric outlets and a blow dryer.
Above are several ideas to add a bit storage to your bath. To check out more of Molly Frey's work click here to her website or here to her blog!
(all photos property of Molly Frey)

Modern Minimalist Exterior of House

minimalist design of the house like in the consumer today, we give an example of minimalist design house, modern style, designed by dian

7 Home Decoration Secrets

7 Home Decoration SecretsWe always want our homes to be perfect. That is understandable since our home is our abode, our personal sanctuary, the place we look forward to go to after a whole day of stressful work. This is why, one of the most important things a homeowner has to do is to decorate his or her home in such a way that it will be a nice and relaxing escape. This article reveals top 10 home decoration secrets that you surely would want to know.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
1. Visualizing is the key

Do not simply make an exact replica of the living room you found on the home interior magazine. Visualize on your own how you want your home to look like, how you want home decors like your wall plaques and paintings to be hung on the wall. Visualization of each room will make it easier for you to do your planning and decoration.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
2. Start with a focal point

Any veteran interior designer knows how important it is to start with a focal point in any room so that other home décor items will flow easily around it. It is always a great idea to select an item that gives a big impact like the fireplace, a piano or a sofa.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
3. Colors have psychological effect

Colors are important design elements not only because it determines the ambience and feel of the room, and gives the illusion of space but also because they have psychological effects on people.

For example, blue, which is the least appetizing color is not a good shade to paint in your dining area or kitchen. Meanwhile, light and pastel colors, which can relax the mind, are a good idea for the living room. Make sure that the colors you choose complement well with each other.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
4. A theme makes it easier to achieve unity and harmony

A décor theme not only makes home decoration a lot easier but is also important because it reflects the homeowner’s personal taste and style. Your theme can be classic, modern, nautical, tropical, European, Asian or whatever you can think of.

Buy furniture and home accessories that match the theme that you have chosen. For example, if the theme of your home is contemporary, modern metal wall plaques would be a great addition while if you have a coastal theme, you might as well go for nautical wall art.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
5. Clutter can ruin even the nicest home decoration

Get rid of everything that you do not need or hardly ever use and neatly store them in the storage room. Even if you have the most expensive or most gorgeous home decor, all these are useless if your room is filled with clutter.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
6. Lighting is just as important as furniture

Lighting is important because of two things. First, it illuminates the room and allows people to do the things they need to do. Second, it creates an ambience and feel of the room. Because of this, you need to choose the proper kind of lighting, which will make you achieve both objectives. Lamp and fluorescent are great for general and task lighting while candles and smaller lamps are ideal for accent lighting.

7 Home Decoration Secrets
7. Strive to achieve a balance between form and function

Form is just as important as function and because of that, it is necessary to achieve a balance between the two when buying furniture or decorating your home. To put it simply, you must be able to decorate your home in such a way that it will be both practical and beautiful

We all know that home decoration is not as easy as we want it to be. However, it is also true that we do not need a doctorate degree on interior decoration to get the job done right. With a dash of creativity, resourcefulness and patience, we can have a home that looks like one of those featured in interior designing magazines.

7 Home Decoration Secrets


Video de dormitorio juvenil ideal para chicas a las que les gusta colores relajantes y suaves como el beige, blanco, hueso y el color turquesa con toques de chocolate. Esta lindo, tienen que verlo, es un dormitorio de ángulos y formas irregulares, que con poco espacio, un buen diseño y muebles a medida, quedó genial.Es una habitación de 15m2, donde se ha instalado un escritorio compuesto por un

Home Interior Design With Wood

interior design with wood materials. Minimalist design in the house

Home Interior Design With Wood

interior design with wood materials. Minimalist design in the house

Sancal presenta sus últimas colecciones

La empresa de mobiliario Sancal aprovechó la celebración del Salón Internacional del Mueble de Milán para estrenar su nueva colección. La firma presentó propuestas innovadoras, estéticamente compatibles entre sí con la finalidad de crear ambientes serenos y funcionales. Sus nuevos productos incluyen piezas de un reconocido grupo de diseñadores españoles como Odosdesign, Nadadora, José Manuel Ferrero, Quim Larrea, Rafa García y el estudio de arquitectura A-cero.
Siguiendo la tendencia de un emergente naturalismo, Sancal viste sus piezas con nuevos tejidos, fundamentalmente fibras naturales, lino y algodón, de colores templados, sobrios y sin estridencias.
Ace, by A-cero
El sofá Ace es reflejo de la estética y los valores con los que trabaja el estudio de arquitectura liderado por Joaquín Torres: volumen, amplitud, elegancia, luminosidad, seguridad, confianza, libertad... Lo más destacado de esta pieza son sus amplios y sinuosos brazos, una sensual y delicada curva.

Boomerang Chill, por Quim Larrea & Associates
Boomerang Chill es la última e innovadora pieza de la colección Boomerang. Con ella, Quim Larrea y su equipo completan la familia de asientos que ya en 2006 gestaron para Proyec, marca bajo la cual Sancal comercializa asientos -de cuidado diseño- adaptados a los requerimientos de usabilidad de la tercera edad.
La nobleza y la vocación naturalista de esta pieza se ponen de relieve en su sencillez formal, sus vetas de madera maciza de fresno, sus curvas cuidadosamente mecanizadas y su tacto encerado. En su nuevo formato y enfoque de mercado, se propone tres piezas muy características: sillón relax, otomán y "chaise longue". Boomerang fue finalista en los premios Delta y seleccionado para los Designpreis de Alemania.

Chat, by Nadadora
Chat es una colección de pufs y taburetes concebida como complemento de ambientes hogareños, que, en espacios colectivos, facilita la creación de lugares comunes. Se trata del tipo de mobiliario más apropiado para crear pequeñas privacidades en entornos públicos. La combinación bicolor de su tejido facilita la adaptabilidad a diferentes entornos. Con este proyecto, el estudio Nadadora multiplica las posibilidades de crear diferentes espacios sensoriales, alegres, coloristas y serenos.

Happen, by Rafa García
Un sofá que se inventa del no inventar, porque Happen representa todo aquello que se ha buscado siempre en un sofá. Rafa García, no ha intentado reinventar nada, sólo practicar el diseño teniendo muy en cuenta las proporciones, los materiales, las costuras y la capacidad de crear composiciones dinámicas; siempre con el convencimiento de que cada detalle, por pequeño que sea, es importante.
Happen propone una fina base con forma de L en la cual ir integrando elementos. Más que un puzzle, se trata de un extenso programa modular, más próximo al sistema de componibles del mueble que al de la tapicería. También permite crear ángulos con gran número de piezas. Sin mencionar las piezas auxiliares: pufs que funcionan sueltos e integrados en una composición o que se fusionan con unas mesas tapizadas para resolver dos aplicaciones en una.

Pío-Pío, by Odosdesign
“Pío-pío es un pollito que nos espera siempre con sus alas abiertas”. Esta divertida y tierna filosofía le sirve al estudio valenciano Odosesign para crear esta pequeña familia de asientos con personalidad propia. La colección se presenta en tres versiones: butaca, sillón y sillón plus, y en diferentes colores.

Rock, Rafa García
Rock es una pequeña familia de mesas inspiradas en la profusión, exuberancia y optimismo de los años '50 y, concretamente, en el estilo musical del que toman su nombre. Roble, espejo y cristal fumé son las notas de esta partitura que permite crear una melodía personalizada. Además de jugar con sus curvas, volúmenes y materiales, sus diferentes alturas y la mesita extensible incrementan la versatilidad del conjunto.

Tea, by estudihac (José Manuel Ferrero)
Una colección de asientos inspirada en el momento del té, en los antiguos juegos de tazas de fina porcelana. El acolchado hexagonal y las opciones bicolor son los elementos clave este clásico revisado, actual y desenfado, pero siempre elegante y distinguido. La colección está formada por butacas, sillones y sofás, aunque la firma anuncia una próxima incorporación de nuevas y sorprendentes piezas.


Mandarinas, by Elena Castaño-López
El proyecto Mandarinas toma prestadas técnicas de costura propias de la corsetería para dar lugar a una detallista colección de cojines de formas redondeadas.

Información e imágenes facilitadas por Sancal

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