
Monday, January 31, 2011

Interior Design Bedroom Ideas Pink Girls

interior design rooms at preferred by many women and children in the world is pink, because pink color some people it is a symbol of softness and youth. Why many children and women prefer pink? because the pink color associated with a fairy princess or Barbie and every dream of every girl on the bedroom a charming red color easily. Below can see examples and ideas that are very interesting to make children happy with his bedroom

A Fresh Look at Modern Interior Furniture Design

Most of the modern interior designers are moving away from the good, old classic look, which is bulky and heavy, and moving to cleaner looking techniques for interior furniture design. They are also moving to new materials when choosing to design new furniture. This furniture may not be as comfortable as the older styles of furniture from past generations, but they provide many appealing

Modern Interior Design For Your Laundry Room

Laundry room is the place that probably slips in people's mind. Most of them tend to concentrate to design their living room, bed room, bath room, dining room and other part of the house. Actually, laundry room needs attention so that people can enjoy their room. It is not good when they have to wash their laundry lazily.Nowadays, people like to design their room by using simple modern style.

Welcome to Fersina Windows

Since its inception in Peterborough in 1987, Fersina Windows has come to the forefront of window design and manufacturing.

Fersina custom-manufactures a complete line of ENERGY STAR qualified windows designed for both new construction and replacement. Fersina windows are manufactured using solid vinyl frames and components. This provides low maintenance, high-energy efficiency and gives a very attractive appearance. Specialists in architectural windows and windows for historical homes, Fersina can turn your dreams into reality.

Fersina Windows produces a complete line of superior quality vinyl windows. No "good, better, or best" - Fersina manufactures only premium quality products for your new home and renovation needs.

Two standard window colours, custom colours and numerous glazing and frame options will turn your project into perfection.

Fersina Windows offers their products for sale to contractors, "do-it-yourselfers" and window dealers. We also offer installation of your new windows or doors by our factory-trained installation staff. When you deal with Fersina you are dealing with the manufacturer.

Fersina Windows facts:
* Peterborough and Whitby outlets
* Vinyl window manufacturer
* Vinyl door manufacturer
* Insulated steel doors and door hardware
* ENERGY STAR qualified products
* Phantom screens
* Storm doors
* Skylights
* Thermal glass units
* Shutters
* Garage doors
* Sales and installation provided from both locations

from :

Cafe Interior Design

Cafe Interior Design - Modern Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Fullcolor Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Bar Interior Design

Float Above Ransa Sofa Books

The advantages of the sofa Ransa is that it really gives the impression of floating above the book. The more comfortable to read for hours on the couch Ransa pretty captivating. Storage of books on the sofa base to give the impression of floating above the bookOriginal dimensions allow you to really comfortable, you can lie as you see fit while having your favorite authors at your fingertips! 

Design Trends!

The final installment of my trip to Market was to look at the overall design trends for 2011.We saw a lot of furniture that mimicked Tara Shaw Maison and Aidan Gray - some were more rustic like Restoration Hardware, some were more chippy and distressed. There were a variety of price points and quality. But if you are interested in this look you will be able to find it at any price. My only

Design Trends!

The final installment of my trip to Market was to look at the overall design trends for 2011.We saw a lot of furniture that mimicked Tara Shaw Maison and Aidan Gray - some were more rustic like Restoration Hardware, some were more chippy and distressed. There were a variety of price points and quality. But if you are interested in this look you will be able to find it at any price. My only



L’agente della XXXXX mi ha estremamente deluso, in quanto sembra più un semplice venditore che un tecnico preparato….

Il rappresentante mi sembra un po’ approssimativo, ho persino la sensazione di saperne più di lui…..

Io capisco che mi vuole vendere la casa a tutti i costi, ma mi sono accorto che un sacco di voci sono escluse dal preventivo (e poi me le ritroverò dopo la firma)….

Ho dato il progetto ad una decina di aziende di case prefabbricate, per avere il prezzo migliore…..

Partiamo dal fondo. Una decina di preventivi per farsi redigere il prezzo più basso possibile.

Questo approccio nasconde due aspetti che non condivido. Se l’unico parametro di scelta è il prezzo più basso, viene a mancare del tutto il confronto qualitativo tra le varie aziende ed è inevitabile una decisione finale poco accorta, di cui spesso ci si pentirà a posteriori. Ma l’aspetto che mi colpisce maggiormente di questa frase è il carico di lavoro che andrà a gravare su 9/10 delle ditte (sempre che ci sia un’azienda di case prefabbricate che riesca a spuntare il contratto con questo signore).

case prefabbricateAnche il sottoscritto si occupa della preventivazione di case in legno per conto di una nota azienda tedesca e posso tranquillamente affermare che tra incontri (un paio almeno) e stesura prezzi (al primo calcolo si vanno quasi sempre a sommare alcune varianti) si perdono in media 8-10 ore a cliente.

Per non parlare delle trattative che proseguono per mesi… E’ un lavoro impegnativo, con costi vivi che non vengono rimborsati da nessuno, a totale carico dell’agente (telefonate, auto, stampe).

Questo blog ha tanti lettori che, prima o poi, si faranno fare dei preventivi dalle aziende di case in legno. Spero che possiate accogliere di buon grado il suggerimento di non approfittare del tempo e della pazienza di chi vi segue. E’ vero, molti venditori sono dei commerciali e non hanno una preparazione tecnica di base, ma conosco personalmente tanti agenti che possiedono un grande bagaglio di esperienza nel settore delle case prefabbricate in legno e che possono fornire una consulenza preziosa al cliente, un vero e proprio valore aggiunto.

Dopo aver indossato i panni dell’avvocato della difesa, passo senza pudore a vestire la toga dell’accusatore, poiché il ruolo dell’agente non può essere quello di un semplice informatore che racconta quanto sono belle le proprie case.

Il venditore ha il compito di fare da tramite tra l’acquirente e la ditta di case in legno e deve fornire risposte certe e precise alle domande.

Quando non sa, deve chiedere.

Quando non si può fare (e capita spesso), deve dirlo, rinunciando se necessario al potenziale contratto o proponendo alternative.

Quando stende il capitolato deve dire chiaramente cosa è compreso e cosa è escluso.

Quando si parla di contratti deve specificare le forme di pagamento, i diritti e i doveri del cliente.

L’interesse del cliente coincide con l’interesse dell’agente (che è quello della ditta).

Un cliente insoddisfatto, se va bene è cattiva pubblicità, se va male sono soldi e tempo persi.

Ci sono comunque molte ditte di case prefabbricate che hanno un proprio ufficio interno che si occupa direttamente di trattare con il cliente e che non prevedono il classico venditore di zona.

Decorating Magazines

Decorating MagazinesBoys Baby RoomsDecorating Magazines

Decorating Magazines

Decorating MagazinesBoys Baby RoomsDecorating Magazines

Interior Design Photos

Interior Design PhotosMarble Flooring DesignsArt Boys RoomHoney Pine Coffee TableTween Boys RoomLibrary Coffee TableBoys Room CurtainsKids Room DecorBedding Boys RoomRoom BoyLittle Boys RoomCurtains Boys RoomBoys Room PaintInterior Design Photos

Interior Design Photos

Interior Design PhotosMarble Flooring DesignsArt Boys RoomHoney Pine Coffee TableTween Boys RoomLibrary Coffee TableBoys Room CurtainsKids Room DecorBedding Boys RoomRoom BoyLittle Boys RoomCurtains Boys RoomBoys Room PaintInterior Design Photos

Bedroom Interior Design

When the weather turns for the worst, and the first signs of winter chill start to take hold, the miserable weather often inspires people to carry out some DIY in the house, and the very first thing that springs to mind is redecorating. Very often it is the bedroom that is first to get its makeover, but before deciding on the finer points of your interior designing efforts, some thoughts

Bedroom Interior Design

When the weather turns for the worst, and the first signs of winter chill start to take hold, the miserable weather often inspires people to carry out some DIY in the house, and the very first thing that springs to mind is redecorating. Very often it is the bedroom that is first to get its makeover, but before deciding on the finer points of your interior designing efforts, some thoughts

Professionally As an Interior Designer

There are actually many things which must be considered to produce the maximum space and design in decorating. You should design and make your dream home a reality. Design your home interior which fit your style and taste, purchase the particular accessories and furniture to your favorite design, in order to create comfortable atmosphere which makes you feel home sweet home.Ideally

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida is a bed design is very modern. This is one product from a company called Italia Furniture from any part of the U.S. state Florida. Well it is in production beds in Florida and marketed throughout the world. This is the perfect bed design and very modern at all and has many advantages in terms of economical and practical.This modern bed is designed with

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida is a bed design is very modern. This is one product from a company called Italia Furniture from any part of the U.S. state Florida. Well it is in production beds in Florida and marketed throughout the world. This is the perfect bed design and very modern at all and has many advantages in terms of economical and practical.This modern bed is designed with

Casbah Moderna

Casbah Moderna är den stil som tilltalar mig mest för att jag gillar det naturliga med sten, puts, trä, järn, korg och metaller. Den här stilen har inget gullegull utan går mer åt det kulturella hållet. Jordnära färger som grått, beige, svart och vitt. Hemma har jag fuchsia, rött och lite orange som accentfärger. Jag tycker om de skulpturala inslagen och är en sucker för kuddar på golvet och puffar av alla de slag. Låga stora långa soffor är också en favorit. Däremot har jag inte tidigare haft några maroccanska inslag utan mer dragit åt det asiatiska hållet. Men vem vet... Så här såg Vincent Grégoires bilder ut för Casbah Moderna. Har fått hjälp av Anna Inreder för att friska upp minnet, du hittar också mer om trendanalysen på hennes blogg.

Casbah Moderna was the style that I liked most. I like the natural materials like stone, wood, iron, wicker and metal. This style is cultural with earth to ground colours like beige, grey, black and white. With a lot of red and purple colours. I have red, fuchsia and orange as accents in my home already. I also like the sculptural elements and love cushions on the floor and all kind of poufs. The big long sofas is great. I usually have been drawn more to the asian style than this oriental but who knows this is a new trend for 2012 and 2013. These are Grégoires images that describe the style.

Foto - 1-2 Anna avfotograferat från föreläsningen, okänd ursprungsfotograf, 3-4 Mark Eden Schooley (via Lotta Agaton), 5 röda skålar från Rina Menardi, 6 trådskålar från Marie Christophe.

Casbah Moderna

Casbah Moderna är den stil som tilltalar mig mest för att jag gillar det naturliga med sten, puts, trä, järn, korg och metaller. Den här stilen har inget gullegull utan går mer åt det kulturella hållet. Jordnära färger som grått, beige, svart och vitt. Hemma har jag fuchsia, rött och lite orange som accentfärger. Jag tycker om de skulpturala inslagen och är en sucker för kuddar på golvet och

Casbah Moderna

Casbah Moderna är den stil som tilltalar mig mest för att jag gillar det naturliga med sten, puts, trä, järn, korg och metaller. Den här stilen har inget gullegull utan går mer åt det kulturella hållet. Jordnära färger som grått, beige, svart och vitt. Hemma har jag fuchsia, rött och lite orange som accentfärger. Jag tycker om de skulpturala inslagen och är en sucker för kuddar på golvet och

Harmony Designs Contemporary Bathroom Set with Natural Touch - SensareMare of Hoesch

The bathroom is a core part of a house. Morning activities start from this place. When we want to build or renovate bathroom is good and healthy, there are things we have to consider.Several aspects must be considered, such as size, condition of the bathroom is dry or wet, location, lighting, air circulation, and security. SensaMare complete bathroom is one product more by Hoesch, who has served

Design Concept: Light + Air Door

The Light + Air door is designed to enhance cross ventilation without giving up any security or light. Slide a lever to the right, and the circular openings are exposed—not big enough for anyone to stick a hand in and open the door, but large enough to let the sunshine and fresh air pass through.

Who wants to live without air-conditioning if there is poor ventilation? The Light + Air Door design concept is an answer to that pressing and probably upcoming problem: how do you stay comfortable when it costs $2000 a month to keep your abode cool? Just don't install this door if you live in a submarine. – Charlie White

Elegant Doors Designs

Doors glued wood shingles have faseten appearance and are especially strong. There is no distortion over time or due to changes in humidity in accordance with the seasons. Solid wood doors can be decorated with the profile elements. Interior doors are solid wood with mandatory furnishing "rural" type. They stand well next to walls without mortar, which is visible brick construction.

No wood to contribute more heat into the home by Norway spruce. Such internal doors are the expression of individual lifestyle. Untreated spruce tree with a pale yellow color darkens over time, receiving a silky luster, if well polished. These doors give a feeling of freshness and purity, and submitted as though the fragrance of the woods in the room.

Lefèvre Interiors projects we are working at

Some of my readers asked me when I would be able to post about some new projects of Lefèvre Interiors. Well, the past months, Jan and me were so busy preparing and installing a lof of our projects! The whole process of a design project, from the start to the finishing touch (furnishings, window treatment and decoration included) takes a few months, sometimes even a year!We are only a small

Lefèvre Interiors projects we are working at

Some of my readers asked me when I would be able to post about some new projects of Lefèvre Interiors. Well, the past months, Jan and me were so busy preparing and installing a lof of our projects! The whole process of a design project, from the start to the finishing touch (furnishings, window treatment and decoration included) takes a few months, sometimes even a year!We are only a small

Appropriate size apartment furniture

Furniture apartments that match has to be tailored to the needs and functions of the furniture of the apartment when you decide to buy. When you wish to buy furniture apartment, try curiosity got the most perfect things, but think of furniture suitable for your particular room because there are many options out there that offers you a price that varies.

The first step is to focus on your room size and shape of the room, then plan any suitable furniture for the room such as desks, chairs, sofas, lamps, can also entertainment furniture, TV wall, and other entertainment. Then write down what you need, make a plan for a plan you can also make room for others and this will make you get used to manage all your room apartment.

Functions you plan this all is to make you feel comfortable with furniture suitable apartment, you can adjust the apartment with furniture-furniture that fits. Apart from this adjustment allows you to measure between the furniture and the room properly. Once you've finished on the size of apartment furniture, now is the time you are in a position to determine your proper furniture.  

This effect on desire and your mood. At its core are so many options of furniture in various shapes and designs, all available in the market. You should not confuse longer determine what the appropriate furniture for your apartment. You simply adjust to the mood and your mood, because what you need are all available out there, and they are ready to be sent whenever you want.

Tempat-tempat di Dunia Yang Sering di Kunjungi

Tempat-tempat di Dunia Yang Sering di Kunjungi Makkah Al-Mukarramah Makkah adalah kota utama di Arab Saudi yang merupakan kota tujuan utama kaum muslim dalam menunaikan ibadah haji. Di sana terdapat bangunan utama Ka'bah yang merupakan patokan arah kiblat untuk shalat kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia serta prosesi Ibadah haji. Keutamaan kota Mekkah selain tempat lahirnya Nabi Muhammad SAW

Interior Design Ideas to Brighten Your Home

In addition to paint you should change out all of the window dressings. When you step into any home one of the biggest elements that ages the interior design is the window dressings. Change out not only the color, but the style. Today curtains and blinds are affordable options and are available in many different styles and colors. Make sure that your new window dressings compliment the color

Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Cool Ideas For Pink Girls Bedrooms

Pink color is timeless theme for girls bedrooms. For many people it is a symbol of tenderness and youth. This color is associated with fairy-tale princess or Barbie and almost every girl dreams about a charming pink bedroom. Pink color could perfectly fit as traditional bedrooms with classical furniture and amazing curves as contemporary, more severe ones. Combining this color with others you could get a various awesome designs. For example white and pink furniture looks very beautiful but if you want more bright bedroom then you might more like a combination of pink and green colors. Below you could see very interesting ideas to create the best pink kids bedroom. There are different examples of girls rooms which would be liked by as young as adult girls among them.

Colorful Bedroom Design Ideas by Huelsta

Bedroom is the place where you spent third part of your life. Because of that it worth some time to gather design ideas. Huelsta, Germany manufacturer, makes great furniture for bedrooms and has awesome ideas for bedroom layouts. The clear, straightforward design with attractive surfaces that you can select individually give an ability to create beautiful bedrooms. Many collections include bold and colorful furniture what creates unlimited amount ideas for bedroom design. Visit Hülsta website for more info.

Best of Garden Studio in London for Building Ideas is a UK based company that customized garden design studio. This studio garden in London is one of their works that shows how passionate the company about modern design and environmentally friendly. This Prefab in cedar and posted on the site as a guest house located between the trees. Studio park features a double-glass windows, heating, lighting and other things that makes it a

Interior Design Ideas

Interior design ideas are a wonderful place to begin for those who wish to create look that is uniquely their own. For people with a modern taste, it can be exasperating to live with outdated designs or old furniture and it may be hard to know where to begin. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to save cash and upgrade your interiors without huge remodelling or hustling out to buy designer brands.

One of Best Luxury Dining Room Set – Tiffany by AltaModa

The dining room collection by AltaModa Tiffany designs were created for people who like furniture brilliant and glamorous. This is indicated by a round, upholsteries soft fur and a large number of crystals. The dining room set from this collection is one interesting example of a luxurious Art Deco style. Consisting of a round table with carved legs, high chairs and elegant wardrobe. Each element

Girly Islamic Interior Design

Pretty pretty. I love the simplicity and the colours of the bedroom.

Héctor Serrano firma los jarrones y lámparas Natura para La Mediterránea

El diseñador español afincado en Londres Héctor Serrano firma Natura, una poética colección de jarrones y lámparas producidos por la firma española La Mediterránea. Natura, que acaba de ser presentada en la feria Maison & Objet, supone todo un juego de contraste entre el vidrio y el corcho, dos elementos que se corresponden con el compromiso de esta firma de utilizar solo materiales sostenibles en su producción, 100% artesanal.

En palabras del propio estudio de diseño, “Natura viene de la relación natural entre el corcho y vidrio. La combinación de estos dos materiales confieren a la colección un carácter innovador, aparte de ser sostenible. Una amplia colección de luces y jarrones con formas cálidas y acogedoras, en contraste con la mezcla de materiales y texturas. El gran número de acabados de las piezas les permite integrarse en cualquier contexto”.

La Mediterránea se caracteriza por haber dado un enfoque sorprendentemente contemporáneo a la ancestral tradición de trabajar el vidrio. En esta colección, Héctor Serrano se aleja de los colores fuertes y de los tonos vibrantes característicos de la firma para proponer una gama de colores esenciales basada en el negro, el blanco y otros ricos y densos colores oscuros en diferentes grados de transparencia.

En Natura, el color se combina con formas y volúmenes minimalistas que marcan un sugerente y poético contraste con la calidez táctil del corcho. El resultado, de gran impacto estético y delicadeza visual, respira un sutil aire vintage, incluso retro.

Héctor Serrano (Valencia, 1974) estudió Diseño Industrial en su ciudad natal antes de trasladarse a Londres para estudiar un Máster en Diseño de Producto en el Royal College of Art. Y en esta ciudad abrió su estudio profesional, Serrano, en el año 2000. Sus proyectos se caracterizan por combinar la innovación con la comunicación de ideas familiares de una manera inusual y creativa. Entre su lista de clientes se incluyen empresas como Gandia Blasco, Roca, Droog, Metalarte, e instituciones como La Casa Encendida (Caja Madrid), ICEX y el Ayuntamiento de Valencia, entre otros.

Ha recibido numerosos premios, entre ellos el Premio de Diseño Peugeot, el Premio Nacional de Diseño No Aburridos y, en el último año, el segundo premio para el nuevo autobús de Londres y el galardón Diseñador del Año 2009 por la revista AD. Sus productos se han expuesto en museos como el Victoria & Albert de Londres, y el Cooper-Hewit National Design Museum de Nueva York, y forman parte de diferentes colecciones como el Museo Central de Amsterdam.

Fotografías cortesía de Héctor Serrano

Más info:

La Mediterránea
Camino de Albaida, s/n 46850
L‘Olleria (Valencia)
Tel. 962 208 016

Esta información ha sido elaborada por el magazine on-line diarioDESIGN, el cual os recomiendo desde Interiores Minimalistas

minimalist interior Bedroom Furnitur

When choosing the furniture you do not want to make the mistake of having a beautifully designed room but not so nice furniture plonked into the middle of it. Think about where you will want everything placed before you start purchasing what you require. This planning in advance can save a lot of future hassle. The biggest part of a bedroom is obviously going to be the bed, so getting this

minimalist interior Bedroom Furnitur

When choosing the furniture you do not want to make the mistake of having a beautifully designed room but not so nice furniture plonked into the middle of it. Think about where you will want everything placed before you start purchasing what you require. This planning in advance can save a lot of future hassle. The biggest part of a bedroom is obviously going to be the bed, so getting this

Trendanalys av Vincent Grégoire

Under mässan höll Vincent Grégoire från franska Nelly Rodi en trendföreläsning om vad som kommer att vara i fokus under 2012 och 2013. Ganska långt framåt alltså, men det här var väldigt intressant. Inte bara för att det handlade om trender utan framförallt för att det var spännande att se allt från ett annat håll än ett svenskt perspektiv. Det här var faktiskt den stora behållningen av mässan eftersom Grégoire inte bara hade en underbar engelsk franska utan fullständigt pumpade fram idéer under hela föreläsningen. Lyssna på en snabbgenomgång på youtube här.

During Formex Vincent Grégoire french trendspotter from Nelly Rodi presented the new trends for 2012 and 2013. He was very inspiring and it was a great to listen to his ideas and also to see all this from a non swedish perspective. Loved his accent, you can listen to him on youtube here.

Så här såg hans fyra trendinriktningar ut.

Foto Charlotte Bladh, Hemmariket

Indian Dream - engelskt teaparty, feminint, fuchsia, glamour, exotiskt, sött, cupcake, mörk rosa, grå, lila, rosa budoir, shabby chic, bling bling, blommor, indien, silke...

english teaprty, feminine, fuchsia, glamour, exotic, sweet, cupcake dark pink, grey, purple, budoir, shabby chic, bling bling, flowers, india, silk

La Maison du Bonheur - skandinavisk, blommigt, silver, retro, virkat, akvarell, gulligt, naturligt enkelt, tjejigt, romantiskt, färgglatt, harmoniskt, trä, ateljé, sextiotal, milda pasteller med en twist...

scandinavian, flowery, silver, retro, knitting, water colour, sweet, natural, simple, girly, very colourfull, harmony, wood, studio, sixties, pastels with a twist

Casbah Moderna - medelhavet möter Tunisien och Marrakech, orientalisk, sofistikerad, men mer designad, skulpturalt, maskulin, lounge, vitt, beige, silver, röd, lila, orange mixat med svart/vitt, kuddar på golvet, folklore, korall, less is better, korg, exotiska röda blommor...

Medditeranean meets Tunisia and Marrakech, oriental, sofisticated, more designed, sculptural, masculine, lounge, white, beige, silver, red, purple, mixed with black and white, cushions on the floor, folklore, wicker, coral, less is better, exotic red flowers

Jet Set Splash - Miami, latinskt, sommar, poolparty, style, humor, ironi, tropiskt, aquafärger, blått, lila, turkos, gult, vitt, mix med vitt och guld, vintage, sextiotal, Luis Vuitton, kitsch, lyxigt, bananblad, kaktusar...

Miami, latin, summer, pool party, style, humour, ironi, tropical, aqua colours, blue, purple, turquoise, yellow, white, white mixed with gold, vintage, sixties, Luis Vuitton, kitsch, luxuary, banana leaves, cactus...

Där fanns något i varje grupp som tilltalade mig men det var ändå en som jag tyckte bäst om och blev lite glad att den stilen är på gång igen. Det är inte så lätt men kanske kan ni gissa vilken jag föll för?

Not an easy task, but which one do you think is my favourite?

Trendanalys av Vincent Grégoire

Under mässan höll Vincent Grégoire från franska Nelly Rodi en trendföreläsning om vad som kommer att vara i fokus under 2012 och 2013. Ganska långt framåt alltså, men det här var väldigt intressant. Inte bara för att det handlade om trender utan framförallt för att det var spännande att se allt från ett annat håll än ett svenskt perspektiv. Det här var faktiskt den stora behållningen av mässan

Trendanalys av Vincent Grégoire

Under mässan höll Vincent Grégoire från franska Nelly Rodi en trendföreläsning om vad som kommer att vara i fokus under 2012 och 2013. Ganska långt framåt alltså, men det här var väldigt intressant. Inte bara för att det handlade om trender utan framförallt för att det var spännande att se allt från ett annat håll än ett svenskt perspektiv. Det här var faktiskt den stora behållningen av mässan

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Toilet to inspire Yoga

This is a coincidence. Just recently I remember telling a friend to do Yoga in the toilet if he didn’t find a better spot at home! What do you know, students at Arizona State University's College of Design led by faculty members John Takamura and Dosun Shin have come up with a "transgenerational toilet design concept" called Go With the Flo. The Flo toilet is an ergonomic and designers say that using the Flo toilet is akin to yoga - by building and strengthening abdominal and back muscles. Only one-half to one gallon of water is used for flushing and The Flo reuses water from hand washing. To flush water from the tanks to the toilet, the Flo employs an electromagnetic ball valve. Go With the Flo also is free of mechanical parts. The toilet is fully self-sustaining and independent of electric power.


Boys Baby Rooms

Boys Baby RoomsBoys Room PaintBoys Baby Rooms

Boys Baby Rooms

Boys Baby RoomsBoys Room PaintBoys Baby Rooms

Modern Interior Design Ideas

When it comes to modern interior design ideas, how can you find the perfect design ideas and styles that you are looking for? Whether it is for your office, home, bedroom, or living room, finding the best modern styles is very important.As you know, there are many various types of interior styles you can choose from: modern, traditional, African, Japanese, cozy, and much more. So how can you

Interiores Minimalistas: resumen semanal

La prestigiosa revista Wallpaper ha hecho entrega un enero más de sus esperados galardones Wallpaper Design Awards, en los que premia a los mejores del diseño en categorías tan diferentes como moda, gastronomía, producto o arquitectura… He aquí una selección de los ganadores en los dos últimos campos. La lista completa puedes consultarla en Leer más...

Gable House es una vivienda unifamiliar de una sola planta y con tejado a dos aguas, proyectada por el estudio FORM / Kouichi Kimura Architects en Shiga (Japón). Situada junto a una transitada carretera principal y con un entorno poco interesante, el objetivo del diseño ha sido evitar al máximo el ruido procedente del exterior y crear un espacio interior abierto y tranquilo gracias a la cuidadosa combinación de dos diferentes paredes en la fachada principal. Leer más...

The Only One es el nombre del programa modular que Alessio Bassan y Silvano Pierdonà han diseñado para la firma italiana de mobiliario Capo d’Opera. Creado para apoyar en la pared, ofrece múltiples posibilidades para resolver el almacenamiento de libros, enseres o equipos de audio y vídeo. Leer más...

Creada por Constantin Wortmann para Kundalini, Spillo es una lámpara de diseño orgánico geométrico caracterizado por una extrema simplicidad que recuerda a un huevo o, quizás, a una cerilla. La colección incluye versiones para suelo y techo, tanto para interior como para exterior. Con su luz ambiente, la combinación de diferentes lámparas puede proporcionar sugerentes atmósferas. Leer más...

Uno de los proyectos del estudio Grosfeld van der Velde es esta casa unifamiliar, levantada en un privilegiado paraje cercano a la ciudad de Breda. Sus magníficas vistas a un lago sirvieron para que el proyecto buscase consolidar arquitectónicamente lo que iba a ser una relación de por vida entre la vivienda y la naturaleza. En la fachada se abrieron amplios ventanales de suelo a techo, que proporcionan un carácter ligero y transparente, y se diseñaron amplias terrazas de madera que alargan los límites de la casa hacia el jardín. Vista desde el exterior la casa parece flotar levemente sobre el terreno. Leer más...

2011.01.24: Sofa modular de Lievore Altherr Molina para Verzelloni

Joe es un sistema modular, diseñado en 2010 por el estudio Lievore Altherr Molina para la empresa Verzelloni, que ofrece la posibilidad de componer diversos sofás gracias a sus diez módulos de diferentes profundidades y anchos que se completan con seis pufs. Para ampliar todavía más su versatilidad, el respaldo se presenta con dos alturas, una alta de 83 cm, que permite descansar la cabeza, y una baja de 68 cm. Leer más...

Kolsvart på Illum Bolighus

Igår var jag i Köpenhamn, har ju fördelen att det nästan går lika snabbt att köra över bron som in till Malmö. Rätt lyxigt faktiskt. När jag är där brukar jag alltid kika i Illum Bolighus skyltfönster för jag de har oftast den mest fantastiska skyltning och är lite av en trendindikator. Nja, trend vet jag inte men det var helt svart. Om det ser lite grå brunt eller blått ut på mina bilder så är det kameran som ljuger (eller jag som inte kan det där med att fota svart) för hela skyltningen var kolsvart! Men vad är det med danskar och det där med ugglor?

I live in Sweden but close to the bridge to Copenhagen so I try to go as often as I can. When I'm there I don't want to miss a look at the shop window of Illum Bolighus who always have the most magnificent decoration. Also very trendy. Yesterday it was all black! (Actually much more black than it looks on my photos).

Foto Purple Area

Kolsvart på Illum Bolighus

Igår var jag i Köpenhamn, har ju fördelen att det nästan går lika snabbt att köra över bron som in till Malmö. Rätt lyxigt faktiskt. När jag är där brukar jag alltid kika i Illum Bolighus skyltfönster för jag de har oftast den mest fantastiska skyltning och är lite av en trendindikator. Nja, trend vet jag inte men det var helt svart. Om det ser lite grå brunt eller blått ut på mina bilder så är

Kolsvart på Illum Bolighus

Igår var jag i Köpenhamn, har ju fördelen att det nästan går lika snabbt att köra över bron som in till Malmö. Rätt lyxigt faktiskt. När jag är där brukar jag alltid kika i Illum Bolighus skyltfönster för jag de har oftast den mest fantastiska skyltning och är lite av en trendindikator. Nja, trend vet jag inte men det var helt svart. Om det ser lite grå brunt eller blått ut på mina bilder så är

A New Best Modern Fireplace Design 2010 - Fire Line of Planika

Manufacturer of famous modern fireplace today is Planika. Postings about some of the most interesting model from this company, so you can admire the collection of fireplace is very original and creative coffee table with built-in fireplace in DigsDigs already. Although Planika not stop and make the fireplace design more and more interesting. One such new product, which will be presented at

One of House With Natural Wood And Stone Interior And Exterior

This litmus fully renovated former home of a respected horticulturalist, preserving the original landscaping and relocation of main entrance. Visitors enter through the Torii gate, the navigation of the river and around the pond to the entry-storey stone. As an entrance as the interior the entire house is mostly done in natural wood and stone materials. Not only furniture but also the interior

Weekend News

  KIM CLIJSTERS WINS AUSTRALIAN OPEN FOR THE FIRST TIME !!! Congratulations Kim! We are so proud!! ___   AXEL VERVOORDT OPENS ART GALLERY IN ANTWERP Gunther Uecker “Black Rain” source :   In the Vlaeykensgang, located in the city centre of Antwerp, Axel Vervoordt opens a new exhibition space. He will focus on the ZERO and the GUTAI art, an

Weekend News

  KIM CLIJSTERS WINS AUSTRALIAN OPEN FOR THE FIRST TIME !!! Congratulations Kim! We are so proud!! ___   AXEL VERVOORDT OPENS ART GALLERY IN ANTWERP Gunther Uecker “Black Rain” source :   In the Vlaeykensgang, located in the city centre of Antwerp, Axel Vervoordt opens a new exhibition space. He will focus on the ZERO and the GUTAI art, an

Bizarre House That Slides!

Okay, it is not every day that you come across a home like this. Sliding House, by dRMM Architecture does something that we have never seen or heard any another house do – it slides.

14 Insanely Cool Car Garage Designs

Italian sports car manufacturer Maserati, in partnership with Architectural Digest Magazine recently held a contest that invited applicants to design a dream garage fit for parking a Maserati. The garage design contest received many interesting entries and Maserati just now announced the winning design. The winning garage design was by Holger Schubert from LA in US.

According to him, there were two main objectives in mind: to create a pure and restrained minimalist environment that allows one to focus on the car as a piece of art and to create the ultimate experience for the driver to arrive at home.

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